Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Target Window Shopping

These past few weeks have been obnoxiously crazy in the Reese household. I found a perfect quiet moment last week, and decided to ruin it to head to Target.

Amongst the four children that lost their shoes [not joking, four different babies lost four different shoes and I returned them all to the rightful child] I got some great ideas for holiday decorating this year.

Lots of white and gold--two things I have in spades--are big this year.

Here's some of the junk I found:

The Nate Berkus collection is in Target right now.
I love love love NB.

His stuff was a little trinket-y for my liking.
There were a lot of these nautical creatures hanging around.
Loved this vase, but again...trinket.
The opening wasn't wide enough for any sort of utility.
If it was an inch wider, this would be an amazing canister for flour or sugar.

I loved this picture frame, but it was plastic.

Then, I sauntered over to the Christmas section. [NOT for purchasing. For browsing.]

Plaid etched glass is very in.
Guess I need to get my etching cream out again.

There were millions of these morbid heads around.
Trinkets, gah.

This lamp shade got my attention.
Think about this bad boy on a nice side table next to your Christmas tree.

Overall, I was a little disappointed in their in-store selection. I did find these bonanzas online:

I've been looking for a perfect vanity for my bedroom, and I think I found it.
I'm a giant fan of these little servers.
So the morbid heads freaked me out, but I can get behind this bowl with the antlers.
Where's your favorite place to window shop for ideas?

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