Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Back!

Thank you all for your patience for the past week. I took a much needed break from the blog while I got my life/house in order. We're not done yet--but we're in good enough shape that I can emerge from the paint-cardboard abyss that is moving in to a new home.

I'll share our progress later this week--it's pretty amazing.

But first, I'll treat you to a special project!

Designing invitations is my favorite. Seriously. They're also probably the easiest thing to design because they follow a pretty strict formula, but you have a lot of flexibility in the aesthetics.

I also love designing super girly things, so this project was awesome.

A good friend, Brittany, is planning a kitchen shower for her sister. She was looking for something feminine with a vintage flair. I was obsessed with zig-zags when I started this project, so this is what she got:

I blocked out the addresses/phone numbers, but you can kind of get the idea.

Flip side.
Isn't that a cool exclamation point? Font: memoriam

Since this was a kitchen shower, Brittany also wanted to send her soon-to-be-bride/sister off with delicious recipes, thus, a matching recipe card:

I wish more people called things a 'dish' instead of a recipe.
It's generally an all-around-better word. And it sounds retro.

The flip side.
There's that exclamation point. You're pretty.

Fun, right?

I'm glad to be back! Thanks for your patience with me while we finish up moving and ramp up house projects.

Check back tomorrow for an awesome Tutorial Tuesday on home renovations. It'll be a doozy!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Heather! I love designing girly invites!

  2. "That's an exclamation point. You're pretty!"


    1. I mean...did you see that exclamation point?
