Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday: Metallic Paint and Taters.

Happy Tuesday. Tutorial Tuesday, that is.

So, have to say, I'm proud of myself for sticking to my Tutorial Tuesday plans. Now that I've officially done this for three weeks in a row it is no longer a tradition--it is a straight up ritual. Next week, legend.

Today's tutorial involves two of my very favorite things: starchy vegetables, metallic paint and cloth napkins. Yes! Today, we make custom cloth napkins. 

Yeah! Barbie pink. 

Before really starting, go to Home Goods (or your favorite store for cloth napkins) and buy a big ol pack of napkins. I like to buy big packs of 24ish, then I can split them into multiple gifts. 

When you get home, wash/dry the napkins and iron them really well. This will save your life and patience for the next steps. 

Get a potato:
Be careful in selecting your tater. Make sure you can handle it easily.
Not to big that it's going to be bulky, not to small that it's going to slip.
This was an absolutely picture perfect tato. 
Cut your potato in half, can get to carving. Carve your favorite shape. I would love to say that I went all out and carved a hexagon, but I don't have the patience. Sooo...circle it is! (I also made a triangle one for good measure, that was way easier than the circle.)

So, this looks like an alien growing outa this tata. 
So, almost time to paint! Fabric paint works best for this. It has the right stickiness and staying power for a napkin that is going to be washed [hopefully] a bunch.  I picked two metallic colors because that's my thing.

Ben and I have an over-abundance of home product brochures.
This was one for Corian countertops. It made a perfect paint tray. 
Now, get to stampin'! Do your favorite design, I went for semi symmetrical polka dots. 

You look like a million bucks, Barbie pink napkin. 

This set was for a special couple's Bridal Shower.
I did a little freehand painting, with some edging help from the Crate + Barrel summer catalog.
Nothing goes to waste in the Reese household!
Alright, now go crazy with the other napkins. You can either do the same design on all, or do confetti, or make new tater shapes, or draw a big ol smiley face. 

Let these dry flat [I know, they take up a huge amount of space, so I did this right before bed and laid them all over every inch of our 750 sqft apartment and got up early to pick them up before sleepy Ben could trample on them] for at least 4 hours.

After they're completely dry, time to package up or use! These are perfect for a summer party, personalize for whatever you need!

Confession: I am absolutely HORRIBLE at wrapping presents.
So, I just wrapped ribbon around the napkins and called it good.
This looks a zillion times better than what it would be with some expensive coated paper...
There you have it! Send me pictures if you make some, I'd love to see it!

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