Thursday, July 5, 2012


Today felt like the longest Monday ever. But unlike Monday, tomorrow's Friday. 

I've actually been very conflicted over the why-put-a-party-holiday-in-the-middle-of-the-week issue all day today. One part of me thinks it's super awesome we got a little break in the middle of the week. But, the other part of me [the part that had to wake up this morning] wanted a long weekend. But hey, tomorrow's Friday!

Today, I wanted to tackle a mini project. One of those projects that only takes a couple minutes but makes a huge difference. 

One of the many little quirks of our lovely home is a ginormous gray ceiling vent. 

This weekend, I gave the vent a nice bath and found out it was white. Yeah. All together now, "eww!"

Actually, the thing looked a lot like this:
Just your typical big giant white ceiling vent. 

This vent sits right in our front hallway. I'm trying really hard to go for a cool brass/gray/white art-deco vibe in our common areas. This vent was screaming for a nice pretty coat of this:

Honestly, I don't know if this is the best brand of metallic (reflective) spray paint.
But, I've used it 5-6 times now, and I love it. Sprays even, coats well, lasts well.
It was also on special for about $2 at Home Depot. Yup.
Trade secrets on spray painting stuff: Hold the paint a good 12in away from your surface. This will get the most even coat. Also, spray in swipes and straight lines. When you paint a vent, you need to spray it from every angle. Give each side a good hour to dry before you handle it. It will be dry to the touch after about 10 minutes, but be patient--it's worth it.

I also devised this genius trick to paint the tops of screws. You don't want to paint the sides of screws, because that is silly. So I did this:

Why yes, that is a quad-pack of screws punched into the side of some corrugated cardboard.
It worked awesome.
Then, this happened:

And then, after a good amount of drying time...

ta da!
I can't wait to show you how this is going to play into our art-deco theme... Babysteps...

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