Monday, July 30, 2012

There's a theme here, somewhere.

[Hey guys, I'm back. Thanks for being patient with me this summer. But, I'm back FOR GOOD. No more breaks, a lot of catching up. Thanks again for being gentle.]

I love the Olympics.

Let me count the ways....

I love all Olympics. Winter, Summer, Special, Paralympic, and backyard birthday party Olympics. I love all the pageantry around it. I love how many people swarm into the Olympic villages.  I love the athletes tears as they hear their country's National Anthem played because of their amazing physical and mental achievement.

I was lucky enough to go to the Winter Olympics when they were in Vancouver in 2010. Look how cute we are:

In our defense, we asked for our picture to be taken in front of the torch by about 8 different people. All of them cut out the torch. This person asked us to hold their creepy teddy bear and some Canadian flags.

But, here's the torch:

So just imagine that sitting behind us.

I really wanted to go to London this year. Not just because of my favorite Olympics, but because my best bud Emilie is living in London for a year going to FILM SCHOOL. She also has a set of amazing parents that call me D10 [short hand for Daughter 10, I didn't want to be  D5 (or was it D6?) because 10 is my favorite number, and I have to be difficult if they are going to call me their Daughter.] But, with buying a house and hearing about the navigational craziness that has been London 2012, probs best I didn't go.

I really wanted to make an iPhone background to celebrate my favorite Olympics, but I'm kind of terrified to post anything up here with the Olympic Rings because of this, this or this. Even my main gal's family was investigated for copyright infringement. 

So, I'm posting this at a risk...but I've checked a bunch of legal stuff and I don't think I'm violating any copyright laws... But just to cover my bases. I am not selling any product to you. You can use this for free. Believe me, I make no money off this blog.

So first, click on the sound:

Now, enjoy!

Your very own phone background. To use it on your own phone, just open this page on your Smart Phone. Click on the picture and 'save' it. Then post it through your settings as your wallpaper and/or lock screen.

Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to make your very own themed iPhone or Android background. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha this made me smile! Love how the words make the theme song. :) You're so creative! I love this blog!
