Thursday, September 6, 2012

The biggest of green monsters

Today's project I had zero part it. Absolutely nothing.

Today, war was waged.

A war against the ugliest meanest greenest monster.


As a child in the Buchholz household, I was bred to hate these plants. Hate them. We see junipers, we kill junipers. These Junipers had to go. I knew it. Ben knew it. My dad kept reminding us....

So today, my husband totally uprooted and generally dominated:

that ugly mess.

Three junipers, a rhodie (we have about 50 rhodies, don't need this one) and two mystery bushes met their maker today. Also... a swarm of underground wasps got uprooted, sorry guys. Can't have that.

Big props go to the husband and our friend John, they put in some major demolition time and braved a couple wasp stings to boot. So excited to give this home some major curb appeal.