Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So this is what growing up feels like...

So I know that today is Tuesday, but I don't have a tutorial. Why? Because I'm too freaking excited.


We bought a real, custom, special, non-Craigslist, non-Goodwill couch. [No judgement on Craigslist or Goodwill...our house is full of free/cheap wares from such places and we love them dearly.]

We have been longing for a piece that will make this piece quintessentially 'ours.' Since a lot of our remodeling plans have been sidetracked to next Spring, we decided to buy a couch.

This couch:

Thomasville Mercer Sectiona
She's a beauty right? She is two love seats, a corner and a chaise and she's all ours [in 8 weeks.]

We had an awesome experience with this. We got to pick out the custom fabric, which of course I made them photocopy so I could match it up with the room and our soon-to-be floor:

I'm loving the combination of gray + mustard. I think I'm going to look for a nice turqouise rug too...mmm...
The bottom fabric is like a menswear tweed, and it is totally awesome.
One of the pillows is this fabric with the little birdy.
We seriously had an awesome experience at Thomasville picking this thing out. We sat in every single chair in the store. We [and by we, I mean just me] made the lady jump through hoops showing us every possible color combination and fabric choices. We [again, me] demanded a discount, which we got and then almost cried when we signed the "yeah we're really paying for this" paper.

One of my past roommate's dads told us once that you become an adult when all your Ikea Furniture starts falling apart. 

I can't wait to show it to you in 8 so-long-don't-wanna-wait weeks. Hopefully it comes sooner....

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