Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wedding of the year!

Hey! Good to see you again. Thanks for sticking with me this summer--but that should be my last scheduled break for a while.

Ben and I spent the last weekend celebrating Ben's sister's wedding. It was freaking awesome.

I've done a lot of projects for a lot of different weddings and bridal showers, but this set was a little bit more special than the rest.

Today I'll share with you an ensemble present: Beer for the rehearsal dinner.

Ben and my dad brewed an awesome beer for Emily and Alex's rehearsal dinner. Then, of course, it needed a label.

Here it goes:

Alex and Emily chose Tiffany Blue and Champagne for their wedding colors--so cute! But...so hard to match on a desktop printer. Took about 5 hours to get the right color, and my iPhone couldn't even pick up the color right...blech.

Heh. Heh. get it?
I wanted to name the beer, "Something Brewed," and thought that was super witty. But then, I went on Pinterest and looked up 'beer bottle design' and guess what the first 15 were? Some variation of "Something borrowed, Something Brewed" Drat.

So, I gradually started a list of possible names. It was hard to choose one that wasn't totally cheesy, and Rehears-ale was the perfect combination of witty yet awesome. 

Here's the printed labels. I used Avery shipping labels.

oops. There's my bottle of Zyrtec in the corner...

Have I mentioned lately how badly I need to buy a big-girl camera?
Come back tomorrow for the cutest little guest book...