Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday: How to pack for a wedding like a champ.

If there is one thing that I am becoming entirely proficient in, is packing.

I deserve an honorary Ph.D in packing from the finest of nomad universities. Packing up an apartment, weekend trips for a bridal shower, week-long trips with a gaggle of high schoolers, extended weekends to weddings.

Let's just say my grades in unpacking come in a little bit lower than average. But packing? Let's talk about that.

Packing for a wedding requires a very delicate balance. Especially if you're a member of the wedding party. A lot of these are tailored to the bridesmaids.

Before packing you have to think:
  • How many dress-code appropriate outfits do you need?
  • Are you going to be huffing flowers to the venue the morning of the wedding?
  • How many shoe changes do you anticipate (this is the most important, of course) ?
  • How much do you plan on partying? (this plays into your shoe choice)
This weekend, we're traveling to a 5-day wedding extravaganza.

As far as events, we have a rehearsal dinner and a brunch--2 semi-casual dresses, 2 pairs of heels.


Then of course, there's being a brideslave bridesmaid: 2 changes of clothes that can get dirty for every day of 'work'--and flip flops. Lots of flip flops.

Then, the main event. All day, you want to dress like the photographer is there. So yeah, you're wearing cute yoga pants + cute top while you get ready. Then, you've got your dress for the main event, and three pairs of shoes. Seriously. Two heels (heels can play double duty with your rehearsal/brunch pumps, but not necessary. Girls need options.) One cute flip flops. Seriously.

Finally, we have the backup. The cosmetics, the toiletries and the first aid kit. Bring a ton of makeup, not because you'll use it, but because someone else might need it. Part of the fun of getting ready for a wedding is covering the bathroom sink with 90 variations of dark brown eyeshadow. Hair spray: two bottles.  Bring every hair electronic you have--straightener, good curling iron, and a set of hot rollers are a must for members of the bridal party. You've got a lot of pictures to smile for, no excuse for crazy hair.

These are my go-to products to prepare for a wedding.
Mac Studio Finish Concealer here
St. Tropez self-tanner and skin illuminator (looks awesome in pics) here and here
Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel here
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion here

Bring extra of everything. Extra shampoo, extra soap, extra razors, extra everything. You never know what the Bride might need, and the worst thing is for everyone to scramble. If you have it, bring it.

Then, there's the first aid kit. Stock up on the standards: bandaids, tylenol, q-tips, kleenex, neosporin, clear nail polish, a sewing kit and tons of double sided tape. Just bring it all.

There you have it, all the tools to be an expert-nomad-bridesmaid. To the weekend!

[Programming note: Onethingoneday is going on a break during this wedding until Tuesday. I'll catch you up on all the details then! It's going to be absolutely beautiful!]

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Lauren!! You have it all covered!! LOVE it and love you! See you soon sista-buddy!
