Thursday, March 29, 2012

Betcha wanna see what I did today....

Welp. Today is another one of those days that I have spent about 9.5 hours doing creative stuff, but I can't show you a single thing.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

But, since yesterday, something huge has happened: I ACTUALLY LIKE DESIGNING THINGS AGAIN!

This is huge. Seriously huge. A major break through.

For the past three months, most days I'm really really pushing it. Forcing it. But today, something clicked.

I was designing something totally out of my normal aesthetic, and I noticed I was smiling. Seriously.

I was smiling at my freaking computer.

You want to know what else I was doing? Listening to really loud music. Feverishly kerning. Eyes straining. Finding nasty rivers. Fixing them. Totally-going-at-the-design-thing-and-loving-it.

I haven't done that [and smiled] since the January of my senior year at PLU. Seriously.

The most amazing part? I was designing something for someone I care about. I was designing something that was totally out of my design-comfort-zone. And, it turned out AWESOME. Seriously. Better than most things that I have done in the past three years.

Today, designing something wasn't a chore. [OK--full disclosure, it totally started out as a chore.]

Today, designing something started out as a chore, and turned into an awesome project-filled-experience that made me smile. Seriously, smile.

Am I cured? Probably not.

I am still going to have days that I don't feel comfortable doing it.
I am still going to have days that I hate weird designer things like Pantones and talking about type.
I am still going to have days that I can't translate what is in my brain to paper.

It's going to happen. But today? I smiled. While designing.

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