Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Crafty Attempt

Today I attempted something crafty. I saw this great tutorial on a fabric necklace made out of a fabric belt. (Check it out here) But, I didn't have a fabric belt, and I don't sew (yet) so I gave it a go on my own.


Put a bird on it.
  • Long Piece of Fabric (at least 27" long for a necklace)
  • Wooden Beads
  • Scissors
  • Stitch Witchery (or needle & thread, if you're nasty crafty)
  • Scissors
Start off by cutting your fabric into one long strip. Make sure it is wide enough to wrap your wooden bead at least once, with comfortable overlap.

After you cut the fabric roll it into a loop, and tie a knot where you would like the end bead to stop.

Place your bead in the fabric, making sure it's covered. Twist the fabric and tie a tight knot at the end of the bead.

Repeat until you have your desired look.

Sorry, this one is a little blurry...

Finish the ends with some stitch witchery, or needle and thread (if you're nasty), and you're done! You have a new, super cheap, super fun bracelet or necklace!

I want to try this with different textured fabrics, and definitely work on my craftsmanship. Today's attempt was a little sloppy, but I want to try again.

1 comment:

  1. This is CUTE. I want to do this. Why didn't you do more arts and crafts on 124th? Love your favorite ex-roomie, Kristin.
