Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's [almost] Wedding Season!

Ta Da! Cupcake Napkins!
Wedding season is coming up in a short five months, meaning the next five months are filled with fun engagement parties, bridal showers and [my favorite] bachelorette parties. In the next weekend, I get to attend both an engagement party and a bridal shower. I wanted to think of a special gift for the bridal shower this weekend, and started mining around on Pinterest last week. I found a lot of neat tutorials for towel cakes. Then, I saw a cute little tutorial for washcloth cupcakes:

I decided to put my own spin on it, and make cloth napkin cupcakes on a nice serving platter. Here's how I did it:

I used two different color napkins, I took some hints from their wedding colors (purple, silver) and added green for another pop of color.  I ironed the napkins so they would be a little easier to fold and twist.

Then, I folded the green napkins in thirds, then in thirds again.
So, maybe my ironing skills weren't great...

Then, I twisted and fastened with a pretty pin.
I call this color, Sleepy Olive. So soothing. 

I took the white napkin and tightly rolled it, then twisted it like a cinnamon roll.
I put a pin in the middle just to help with the twisting.

Then, I was able to shape it like frosting and fasted it with a pretty pin.
Then, I connected the 'cake' with the 'frosting' with another pretty pin.
I used 2 pins to make sure they stayed connected.

I decorated them with ribbon, twine and beads I had laying around (I have so much of this stuff post-wedding.) And...

Pretty, Pretty!
I love the lace ribbon & twine combination.

  I'm excited to think of a neat way to wrap these...hmm.... Another project for another day.

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