Monday, January 23, 2012

Design Challenge.

Today, I pulled a card out of the idea jar: "design something using only your iPad." I have never done anything design related with my handy dandy iPad, so this seemed like a fun project.

I started by browsing for an app that would be challenging, yet fun to draw on. After going through several apps, I settled on Fontify, an awesome app where you use letters to create figures. I love to do this on my computer, so I inferred that I would have triple the amount of fun on my iPad.

Welp. It was fun. But damn, it was frustrating. I'm so used to having an arsenal of features and choices when I design. With Fontify, you get the choice of a dozen fonts, black, and can only rotate and resize figures. If you want to reflect, modify anchors or line up your letters on a grid--you're out of luck.

But, it was still fun. It was a real challenge. I gave myself two separate assignments: First, make a design using only one letter (randomly chosen letter, randomly chosen font.) Then, create an animal out of a randomly chosen letter.

Sorry for the ad, to get rid of it I have to buy the app.
I'm cheap, so here's a screen shot.
Started with that big ol' n
Started with an exclamation point.

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