Sunday, January 29, 2012

Semi-Instant Cold Cure

This is what my last two days have been like:

800am: Wake up, gasp for air. Throat closing. This isn't going to be good.
803am: Chug Dayquil. Go back to bed. Wait for relief.
815am: Google cold remedies. Laugh at hippies. Wait for Dayquil to work.
821am: Dayquil still hasn't kicked in. Think about hippy remedy.
835am: In Dayquil fog. Can't tell if I feel better. Start gargling salt water (damn hippies.)
901am: Turn on Bravo. Ugh, It's a Brad Brad World is on. Watch it anyway.
920am: Western medicine isn't working. Eastern medicine isn't working. Ugh
959am: Start thinking of Southern Medicine cures. Whisky?
1001am: Start thinking of Northern Medicine cures. Vodka?
1002am: Immediately start practicing Northern & Southern Medicine, exclusively.
330pm: Nice husband tries cure via Car Show. Won't buy me my Volvo. Why am I here?
530pm: In N/S medicine fog. Turn on Bravo. Ugh, Top Chef: Texas? Seriously? Watch it anyway.

800pm: See Drew Brees Nyquil commercial. I want to go to there. Take Nyquil (S. Medicine, obvi.)
802pm: Fall into Nyquil coma. YESSS.

...and repeat.

Today I'm a little worse than yesterday, which isn't very reassuring. In hopes of feeling better, and cleaning out my sinuses, I made some super spicy soup. Only problem? I do not want to leave my apt in this condition, so I could only use things I already had.

So here's what I had to work with (not to bad):
Ignore the Ginger Beer, I didn't cook with it.

I had some great bell peppers, left-over curry paste, coconut milk, random veggies and all the fixings for a pretty great soup.

First, I put all the veggies in the pot with a little garlic, olive oil and ginger. Then I covered the pot and sat down for about 5 minutes. Ugh.
I only added veggies that I could eat without
chopping them more than twice. Yes.

By the time I stopped being dizzy, the veggies were done. Hooray! Then I added a can of coconut milk, some water, and a little Better than Bouillon.  After that heated up a bit, I put in a big ol spoonful of curry paste (more than I usually would because I wanted this to be SPAH-ICY.) For more kick, I put in a healthy amount of red chili flakes. yummo.
Pretty good for only 3 minutes of active cooking.

At the end I added a little cilantro I had left over from something else. And here's what I came up with:
I almost exclusively eat soup with those big spoons you get from
Chinese/Pho restaurants. It tastes better, seriously.

It was perfect. Exactly what I needed for my soul, even if it wasn't an instant cure to this nasty cold.

Here's to hoping tomorrow is better! Also, if interested, here are my N/S Medicine Cold Remedies:

The 'Kill me Now!' Hot Toddy

I love Jeremiah Weed Whisky. It's not too bitey (technical term) and is pretty rea$onable. I also like to use Jasmine Tea in my Toddy's, just adds a little bit of fancy. 

For this drink, just fill the bottom of your glass with honey (I use a 3 second squirt), and whiskey. Brew the Tea a little strong, and fill the rest of the glass. Mix well, and add lemon to taste. yummo!
Love you, Southern Medicine.

'The Other Nyquil' Vodka Soda

This is just a plain'ol vodka Soda, but I added some great Edleflower-Lemon Syrup. So yummy. 

Used The Penguin again. So worth it.
I made it just like a plain ol' vodka tonic. But, in sync with Northern Medicine, I doubled the vodka.
Good night.
I swear I'm not an alcoholic. This is probably more alcohol than I've consumed in 2012 all together, but hey, I'm sick.

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