Sunday, April 22, 2012


Sorry, forgot to fill you in on yesterday's project.

Yesterday, myself and a team of youths, a great youth director and proud parents put on a New Orleans themed dinner to fund a trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in July. It was an awesome [but totally exhausting] experience--and I didn't have the energy last night to post pictures of the event.

Then, I realized today, I didn't take any pictures. Uhh...whoops.

But you'll just ave to trust me, the dinner was a rousing success--we met our fundraising goal and we'll be sending 9 high schoolers to New Orleans! It was especially great to see how well this group worked together--I can't wait to go!

So today, you'll just have to settle for this super cute picture of a puppy:

Hey, wait for me!

1 comment:

  1. Won't there be 11 youth? Or did that change in the last 24 hours?

    I think you were too busy to take photos if running around everywhere else. Good work for everyone though!
