Monday, May 21, 2012

Angels on Earth

I am writing today with my emotions in a total blender.

Yesterday, afternoon the world lost a true angel; our dear friend Lorraine.

My sisters and I are all blessed to have several 'church grandmas'--people that are truly part of our family and Lorraine was one of them.

I don't think I ever saw her without a smile. Seriously. That's not an exaggeration. She always had a perma-smile plastered across her face. And that's how I'll always remember her.

This experience is so surreal--I saw her at church on Sunday (yesterday), gave her a big hug, and she said, "I am so happy to be here today."

Several hours later she joined all the saints in Heaven.

I don't know what to say today. I don't think I've accepted that I won't see her on this earth again.

I guess it's hard to accept a death if you don't perceive the person as suffering.

With certain deaths, I feel a calming when they pass. They are no longer suffering or in pain. Almost that it was their time.

I don't know enough about Lorraine's health to know if she was suffering, but I do not feel a calm. I almost feel angry. Really angry.

Almost a 'how dare you take her away from me' angry. Is that fair?

If you subscribe to the Stages of Grief, I've jumped steps 1-2 and jumped right to 3. And today, that's where I'll stay.

Lorraine was and is a beautiful person. She lived an amazingly full life; full of world travels, wonderful family and wonderful friends. She was amazingly loving. She had an amazingly strong faith. Lorraine had this amazing way to remind you how grateful you should be for every little thing. She was and is amazing.

So, Lorraine:

Thanks for the reminder.
We love you so much. 


  1. Lauren, do you mind if I use this photo as my iPhone background? It's beautiful and a glorious reminder.

  2. Yes, please do! It's my background right now, too :)
