Wednesday, May 2, 2012


May always feels like it's that time of year where you are in a constant state of finishing projects. [For those ENFPs out there, finishing projects brings some anxiety--we're much better at starting them.]

Right now, I'm on the verge of ending a couple little projects, wrapping up big projects, and on the verge of purchasing something that costs more than three years of my salary. 

[Side note: This is a big month for Ben and I--tomorrow we celebrate our ten (yes...10) year anniversary of being a couple, we're [hopefully] closing on a house, we're taking a road trip down to CA to bring Boo Boo (my sister) a car, AND I'm finally fulfilling my lifelong dream of going to DisneyLand. Yahoo!]

So again, like it so many weeks, I worked on something I can't show you. Thankfully, the big 'reveal' is taking place this weekend and I can show you tons of fun pictures of what I've been working on. Trust me, it's worth the wait! It's totally different than most of my projects I've shown you on here, and turned out great. 

So since I didn't have a big project to show you, I'll share what I made for dinner:

Spicy Basil Stir-fry with Rice Noodles!

Got the recipe for the sauce here, but I used shrimp and whatever vegetables I had in the crisper (happened to be asparagus, red pepper, carrots, onion, avocado and tomato--so good!)

Vegas. Vegas. Vegas.
I can never get my stir-fry to look as good as it tastes...
The recipe for the sauce is awesome--and super cheap!

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